{long post ahead *BEWARE}
I was amazed this morning that I have to document this conversation down:
I was doing the dishes in the kitchen when I realised that there was a cup that was still in my handbag that needed to be washed. I called out to you (Janice) a couple of times. You were watching TV then, and I could only see a little part of your head seated somewhere in front of the sofa.
Me: Janice, Janice, I need a favor from you.
Janice: Huh?
Me: Can you go to mummy's bag and find me the purple cup please.
Janice: [stood up and started looking around]
Me: My bag's near the sofa, darling.
Janice: [found my bag and started rummaging through it] Where mummy?
Me: Bring my bag here, I will tell you where to find it.
Janice: [dragged my bag into the kitchen]
Me: It's in the bag, can you see it?
Janice: Oh yes!! Here mummy ... [took out the cup and handed to my soapy hands]
Me: Thanks Darling, you're so helpful. Can you put the bag to where it was just now?
Janice: Yes! [Picked the bag up from the floor and went back to where it was. Left the bag there and sat back to her original position in front of the TV]
Me: Thanks baby! [I shouted from the kitchen]
Janice: [Mutters]
I can't believe that my baby's really not a baby anymore!
It was then I realized I really haven't been documenting for a long time. It has been an incredible journey with you, little pumpkin. I am loving having small conversations with you, and there are just so much to talk about, that I don't know where to start. So I will try to be systematic here:
Weight: 12.5kg
Height: 86cm
I know the details so well because you've been going to the doctors so often. Over this whole year, you've fallen quite sick a number of times with scary high temperatures. It's really making me re-think about your childcare arrangements and how best daddy and I can adjust our lives. We are still in the praying and considering process. There are people we need to talk to and discuss, so hold on little pumpkin :)
Motor skills:
You are not as "chiong" as I thought you would be. Though you were really active in my womb, you turned out to be a pretty cautious person, calculative at taking risk. So besides jumping on the sofa, you are pretty mild, and hardly run around when we are out. [Thank God!]
Rather shy initially, but you have really warmed up with some of the people that mummy and daddy often hang out with. You favorite people in the world (besides us!) are your grandparents, your GUGU, cousins, and CowFus Cum Mow, Godma and Uncle Jasper, and the auntie, uncles in our Wednesday cell. You've also been naming all your friends in school and our nightly routine of praying for people has to include your friends. We pray that you will be a blessing, and tell people about the goodness of God.
You understand both mandarin and english pretty well, though you answer mostly in english. We can now hold small conversations, which is great. You have been able to express quite to us and have been singing songs unaided, including Chinese songs (I'm impressed).
Yay, we are happy to have you fully sleep trained on 1st Jan. We used to need to stay in the room till you fall asleep, but nowadays, we just have to spend about 10-15 mins with you in the room, pray, turn off the lights and kiss you good night. We discovered, you actually like to sleep in (Can you tell how secretly happy I am? *Grinz - it means I get to sleep in on Saturdays too) Woo Hoo! You've been excellent, and we aren't the only ones who can get you to bed this way, whoever's looking after does the same, take you to the room, talk to you and kiss you good night and leave. Thank God!
Favorite Activities:
Drawing, doodling, painting, drawing dots and circles (arrgh sometimes very frustrating because the ink goes so fast!) and playing with your doll house.
You're quite stuck to a routine, which is really good and predictable. When you do act up, going to a corner usually works. Our last warning will be a smack on your hand with the wooden spoon. We're glad that we hardly have to resort to that. You do push your boundaries, but I guess its a good sign that you are growing in your independence, and we pray daily for wisdom to know how to release you and pull you back accordingly.
Elephant memory is what you've got sometimes :)
Nuff said. You've been a great kiddo. Spending time with you has been the most rewarding thing ever. Its my daily prayer that I can channel my concerns and anxiety in parenting to God, and learn to trust Him for your well being. I thank God everyday for you, little pumpkin.
Love Mummy.
Aah, I'm missing out on so much. I never got to be one of her favourite people, so sad lah. I should have bonded with her while she was in your womb and seen you everyday after work at UQ or something. Sigh. She's so adorable and growing up so fast!
Don't worry Jos, time is never lost. The next time you're back, we'll make sure you bond more. Just come over with Fab to stayover a couple of days, you'll be her best friend. Next time if ever she goes over to Aus to study, and if you're still there, I will make you her guardian :) haha
Don't worry Jos, time is never lost. The next time you're back, we'll make sure you bond more. Just come over with Fab to stayover a couple of days, you'll be her best friend. Next time if ever she goes over to Aus to study, and if you're still there, I will make you her guardian :) haha
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