Monday, August 30, 2010

2 years less 2 months

Writing about you darling is one of the things that is keeping this blog alive at the moment. Our recent weeks have been completely filled with visits from friends, getting ready for our new place, church ministry and basically living like a nomad shuttling between 2 residences. But I am really looking forward to move to our own place pretty soon and provide you with a little more stability. I must say you have been extremely good these days, very happy to be home, happy to be staying over at “popo’s” place, happy to be out. There will be instances when you spent the entire day out and would request that you want to go back to popo’s place. Very cute J Well at least I know that perhaps you won’t be the “cheong cheong” sort la and would know when to come home, to know that home will always be your refuge, a place where you can unload your burdens and know that you will always be accepted. We love you so much baby.

Your recent developments:

You take great ownership in your possessions and would make sure we guard all our items. Dad’s bag needs to be held by dad, mom’s drink only drank by mom, in a particular cup etc. I think it’s a passing phase, sometimes its funny but sometimes I pull my hair J one interesting to note is that you observe the tiniest details, yah, down to that extra rim around the cup

You express yourself quite well. Though you don’t speak a thousand words, but you somehow manage the one or two couple with some sentences, pointing and nodding

You still love to say “I don’t want”

You love the time before bedtime as long as you get both mom and dad (You also make sure that there’re no other “intruders”)

You eat very well after a nap, all by yourself. So well that even food court aunties gather around to ask how old you are. Very strange, because it looked a little like “feeding time” minus the photo-taking.

Janice, you’ve become one very affection little girl that many look forward to spend time with you. The way you beam to your “cow fool: (uncle) and your eagerness to be with your little friends and cousins is endearing. My prayer to God is for His wisdom to guide you through your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can have the full freedom to be who you are and the person God has called you to be.

It’s always refreshing to see you daily, in this age where there’s no pretence. Your child-likeness that allows you to trust those whom you know love you dearly. You wide eyed wonder in your expression that tells me things in life intrigues you daily.

I love you my little pumpkin. Happy 22 months!

Love Momma

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