Thursday, July 30, 2009
Happy 9th month B'day Janice!!
It has been as long as you have been in mummy's tummy! And now you are all grown up (compared to 9 months ago) and learning to crawl, stand and yell. And not to mention how much you love to play with catch with your little rubber balls.
I just love the times when you fall asleep on my shoulder since last week. Just your cutest face with pouting lips when you're rested on my shoulders.
Continue to enjoy your learning process, I am still waiting for the day that you are kicking the soccer ball while I be the goal keeper.
I love you best, I love you most, I love you high, I love you low, I love you deep, I love you wide, I love you, I love you, I love you T.....H.....I.....S M.....U.......C.......H!!!
9 months
Hey sweetie,
It's been 9 months since you were born and sometimes I still can't believe that God has entrusted me with this huge role of motherhood. There are many moments where I still feel the sense of adequacy, someone so precious like you is placed in my arms. Managing your allergies, teaching you the right ways, giving you the best, what to do, what nots, all these can still sometimes be daunting. But yet this amazing journey of watching you grow, along with the availability of God's grace makes this enormous responsibility such a privilege.
You've grown so much this month. Spending that 10 days with your cousin Sophie have made you a little chatterbox J there was a few days when you said "duck" all the time. When you see your rubber ducks in the bath, when you see the little ducky ball, you just go "uck uck uck Duck". It's funny. This was alongside with your "pa pa pa" phase. This couple of days you've started your "hrop hrop drop" sounding words whenever you chuck something to the floor. You sometimes blabber non-stop in the car and you've filled the house with your happy chuckles and long-winded stories J And oh, it's so fun, you're even responding to clap your hands" whenever you hear that phrase on TV (baby can read) and when we ask you to, and while singing the song "if you're happy and you know it." We used to clap each time you manage to turn on your musical toys, and now you clap for yourself. You've also learnt to throw a ball too, and that thrilled daddy heaps.
You still can't really crawl yet. You sort of have a leopard crawl, but mostly you go backwards. You love pulling yourself up to a kneeling position using your toys, the sofa or our arms/shoulders as support. You'll look highly pleased when we help you up to a standing position as you hang on to us/toys etc. Your bum will even start shaking at the sound of music. Not being able to move around frustrates you, but don't worry little girl, keep exploring you'll be able to do it someday.
Your all time favorite is peek-a-boo, and our asian version of "coooooo……cha". You'll do it yourself and amuse others with it. You can never get enough of it, and neither can I. Once you laughed so hard with daddy that you threw up your dinner all over. That giggling spell continued the moment you saw daddy again.
There were many trying days this month too. There were many days in a row where you can't sleep properly at night and would want to play (in your tired state) at 4am in the morning. There were also days in a row where you will create such a big mess during your meals and get really whingy. There will also be the days in a row where your nose is extra stuffy and there will be rashes due to your allergies. Sometimes it's painful to watch but most times you take it at your own stride. Let's hang in there, God is doing something wonderful, bringing us to the right help, and most of all given us His strength.
There are just so many funny things to share about you, but blogging has become more like a luxury as you grow more and require so much more attention and play-time together. I am counting on God to help me remember your milestones and development and maybe one day I can share to your kids how you were like. Time flies, you are out of me almost the same length of time as you spent in my tummy. Hope you're enjoying it as much as I do.
I love you munchie!
Monday, July 27, 2009
my 4 AMs
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Allergies allergies go away..and don't come back!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
FireProofing Your Marriage - Commitment of a Life Time
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Blowing Raspberries
Friday, July 17, 2009
I have many fears in life. From small ones like uncertainties to big ones like geckos and lizards. Oopps I think it's the other way around, I think I may be a little out of perspective! But anyhow, I have many fears, sometimes crippling ones, sometimes I just try to be 'nonchalant' about them. But as I meditate on Proverbs 1 this morning, I asked myself how much I feared GOD above all other fears. A real reverential fear, a fear that brings awe of Him and His plans. I am still grappling how this good this fear is, that on one hand motivates me on to please Him, at the same time draw me close to Him.
Out of Order
Me. I think I am really out of order, meaning lacking some real order in my life. I have been feeling tired and rather ineffective lately. Janice's sleep has been a little all over and she has been sticky and whiny. It's not really anything new, there has been good and not so good days throughout the past 9 months. I think the problem lies with me. When she wakes up in the early morning, I feed her and make her try to sleep in more with me. Most days, it's been really hard trying to get her back to sleep resulting in us both feeling grouchy. I will reluctantly drag myself and her out of bed and start changing her and I pop into the shower while she sits in the bumbo seat in the bathroom, playing and waiting for me to done. I think she has also reached the stage of separation anxiety, so I cannot be out of her sight. So after the shower, I'll have to put her in her play area while I get our breakfasts, lunches and the stuffs for the day ready; in the meantime she will be really upset that I am not with her and starts to fuss. There's a routine and not really a routine set if you know what I mean. Mon, Wed and Fri, she'll be going childcare while I head off for work. Tues' our day together, Thurs I bring her into office with me for half a day; Sat's our family day and Sun is full day of Church almost. Every other day is different, so I play by ear, knowing she will show me signs of tiredness and nap every 4 hourly thereabouts. I gave up tracking her schedules for a while. Everyday, I tried to make her sleep in (in hope that both of us will get more rest) some days it works, some days it doesn't; so there's not really that much set time for her naps. But because Janice can wake up anytime between 5-7am, I have struggling really hard to get some proper routines in place. All in all, I need to set my foot down to set up some regular patterns for Janice and myself. Babies thrive in routines and I think I do too! I just need some discipline, and hopefully, I will be more energized and be able to give her the proper attention she needs especially through this phase where she has become so attached to me.
I also need to be more constructive in the nights. Ministry stuffs often flies over me, I think about my incomplete work I left in the office, I groan over the never ending laundry and the preparation of food; cleaning of house. Household admin also piles up. I slump into bed every night feeling unaccomplished and just hope and pray that I get to sleep through the night. This Fast and Pray week, I hope to really have a breakthrough in my spirit, for God to increase that purpose in His plans. I pray for a clear mind and to grow beyond a mummy fried brain J I am still getting used to having almost all personal space invaded and most times having so room to space out and think. But despite all these, God will grant me the strength and capacity.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thank You....
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Darling!
Birthdays marks the edge of yet another mountain. But the youth in your heart is certain.
May the year ahead be more exciting, less conventional and filled with faith!
love you lots!
Happy Birthday!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Passion vs Commitment
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I got laughed at by my daughter!
Hey, I looked at her, the reason of this tummy is because of ??!!!?Man, being a mom, its tough.
When I see you smile
And one look at you babyIt's all that I ever need
When I see you smile I can face the world