Monday, May 26, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Weekends of Weddings
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Get connected

Mr Wonderful
I have been tremendously blessed over the past year. Many people used to say the first year of marriage is a honeymoon time, but for many who have walked through will say it wasn't that of a honeymoon. Conflicts, working out differences, I think we were always asking in our hearts why we behaved/thought/spoke the way we did. An sms from a trusted friend a day after the anniversary said, happy anniversary, you've survived. Yes we did survived, and in my opinion, it was tough but not that bad. The covenant of God made it more than possible and the best part of marriage is that we know we will work it out; an exit is not even an option. It's not the same as compared to times in courtship. Though then, we had common understanding that we will try our best to allow God to work through this relationship to marriage, there were still questions and sometimes doubt if things would work out.
The past year has assured me of this "Mr Wonderful" that God has blessed me with. Though Kel may not be the perfect person, the flaws he has shows me the depth of his love just because he was so willing to grow and overcome. I am far from perfect too, some ingredients of marriage I used to take pride in (cooking, cleaning, giving, understanding, loving) fell flat in the presence of pride and many other weaknesses. I am guilty of the many times I made him stay up late in bed to "work things through" because I was too prideful to let things go.
Of course there was the tremendous joy that outweighs. I enjoyed every laughters we shared even in the silliest jokes. (I may not always get his jokes) And there is that increasing agreement where we would just have to look at each others' expression and we understood. There is also countless times when we were the resounding boards of one another especially in areas of ministry.
I am glad that God has led me to wait. Though I once had an ideal age of 25 to get married, it was clear then that I wasn't ready. It was so tempting earlier in the years to go "trying out" in relationship, God has shown me it was worthwhile a wait.
So, all in all, its been a great 1 year. We've both matured more in the way we handle one another and challenges. I am sure God will bring about more situations and areas we can both grow more in. We embark into our 2nd year, with more anticipation of what God's gonna do. We have a whole big family of people to impact and grow we are still asking God to help us synergise more. We have an additional member awaiting to be part of it all.
Ivy's Birthday

The gang of girls
Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen
We had a lovely time celebrating Ivy's Birthday last night with all the core team girls of J1. It was a nice time just chatting over the dinner table with a bunch of girls. To top that off, the food was great with free entree (any entree of your choice) that came with the main course. I haven't had so much food to my satisfaction for such a long time but was definitely 'lusting' over the fresh oysters and the oyster shots. Had to settle for the cooked ones ... poop. Click on the picture for more pictures of the night.
Hope you had a great time Ivy, thank you for being such a great pal over the years and this girls team would not be where it is without you too! :)
My New Desk

My New Desk
Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen
Presenting my new desk (and the lamp, thanks to AL's suggestion heh!) So happy to now have a work place at home without having to clear the dining table all the time. The best is that this desk can be closed off to hide the mess. Could have gotten a simple 4 legged one that will cost much less but Kel got this for me as a Mothers' day (dat bit early for me, but since pregnancy hasn't been that easy ... heee) and Anniversary gift. Took him the whole of Saturday night to assemble since ikea's over simplified instructions arn't always the most friendly, and this whale looking wife here can't do much except to limp here and there to offer some weak encouragement whilst preparing for a little sermon. Thanks dear! You're the best!
From the Baby Center @ 16 weeks
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
1st Anniversary :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008
A little galloping horse
Thursday, May 8, 2008
From the Baby Center @ 15 weeks
You may not know it when it happens, but your tiny tenant frequently gets the hiccups, which babies master before breathing. Babies don't make any sound because their trachea is filled with fluid rather than air. Although you've probably gained between 2.2 - 4.5 kilograms, the fetus weighs in at around only 70 grams. It is 11 centimetres long, crown to rump. Legs are growing longer than the arms now, fingernails are fully formed and all the joints and limbs can move. You may be able to find out the gender of your baby by ultrasound now, since the external genitals may be developed enough that the ultrasound technician can tell you if you're going to have a boy or a girl. If the idea of having a baby seems so remote, nothing makes it feel more real than feeling your baby move for the first time. Most mums-to-be discern movement (called quickening) between 16 and 20 weeks. If you've been pregnant before, you'll feel things earlier rather than later. What you may first think is a rumbling stomach may be your baby doing some back flips. [I am still pretty sure it's my hunger rumblings ... ] Make note of when you first start feeling the baby and tell your midwife at your next visit. This middle stage of pregnancy is a good time to start exercising.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thoughts of the week
grwwl ...