Dear purple,
You've turned 2.5 yesterday. I am calling you purple because 3 weeks ago, you declared that your new name is Purple Mok because you like purple. You've later named me Pinky and daddy Blue. That's you, at 2.5, you are clear of your likes and dislikes. No matter how people try to confuse you, you will stick on to your decisions. It's good, because when we manage to come eye level with you to get you to listen, you will, and will also stick on to your decision. However, there will also be times when you are so adamant about something that nothing can change your mind. Your sense of humor is hilarious and has on many occasions sent us rolling with laughter.
The way you named us also reflected your ability to cluster similar things together and piece things together. You're also full of interesting imagination and that has been super entertaining.
It has been heaps of fun lately because of you are almost like a little grown up. We can negotiate, get you to make choices and get you to 'problem solve' and figure things out. That has greatly reduced tantrums because we are now able to negotiate within the boundaries. Most times you're predictable, and we are just so glad that we've stuck on to routines since you were born. It's helped us to also know what you need and want.
You're extremely expressive with your 1001 funny antics. You love showing your affection and your random moments of "I Love you daddy, or I like you buddy, or you're handsome/beautiful" often melt us to bits.
I think creativity is probably one of your strengths. You're quite natural when it comes to drawing and painting. You also turn nothing into something fun and funny. Like yesterday, you took a few pieces of serviettes at the cafe, and turned them into eggs and magic show. You can be emo at times (mostly in the evenings, so its most likely due to tiredness) but mostly, you're happy. You seemed to be energized after being in the midst of people, be it Sunday School, or adult company. And such social activities will lead to you singing songs to yourself, humming a melody and very chatty. It's fun to talk to you because you can now hold a decent conversation.
Of late, you've really become quite sociable, and that surprised us a little. You used to take a while to warm up to strangers. The other day, you went up to daddy's classmate and told her that you wanted watermelons! That was quite funny actually!
You've made us look good as parents, and we know we have little to boast about ourselves and we're just thankful that God has been the one leading us. We're thankful for good company we have, like your Cow Fu, Kum Mows, Gu Gu ... They've all taught us a lot about Parenting, and your cousins are also very good influences.
I hope you'll continue to grow up with that big and inquisitive heart of yours. This morning, you made a remark saying that you've not changed into your pretty dress thus not pretty yet. We assured you that no matter what you wear externally, you're beautiful. God reminded me on my 5th week of pregnancy, when I was in doubt of whether I have lost you, that you are beautifully and wonderfully made. Today, I know its true and it will forever be.
I love you precious, and I pray I will never be afraid to lead you in Godly ways, and love you in His ways.
Love, Pinky