I love "Daddy Time"
Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen
Janice loves her "daddy time". Kel has been such a darling! He brings Janice out on some evenings so that I have some time to cook. And best of all, he brings Janice out on most weekend mornings so that I have some time to sleep in while he has some quality time with Janice (and with God when Janice falls asleep; he even managed to catch up with a life group friend by dragging him for a walk cum catch up). Perfect combi! - I get the rest too! Janice will eiher be in the baby bjorn carrier, facing the world or this morning, she was in the jogging pram and she enjoys the time so much. Never fusses (so claims the proud daddy *grin) and takes her nap when she is tired without fussing. I think she really loves the outdoors like us, fresh air, birds chirping and haha cars zooming by. Kel even managed a couple of kilometers Jog this morning, his great plan to get his exercise regime back. Boy, am I a lucky wife to be able to sleep in :)
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