Dear Janice,
You're 17 months today and you're so girly that you're more like a little girl than a toddler. I remembered secretly being very happy to have a little girl as my first born, I thought about how I will dress you up and do girly things with you. Look at you, your love for shoes, accessories and anything that's pretty. I hope that you will think of me next time as your cool shopping partner (daddy will say partners in crime) just like how I love shopping with Popo.
I remembered 17 months ago, I was really struggling through motherhood. Each day was just for surviving, how to get us through the day and flash daddy a big smile when he comes back. Many times, he will receive a scowl from mummy and he will then take you down for a walk so that I can get myself together again. But as you grow, I realised that each day has gotten less intense and more enjoyable.
This month, you've transited into taking one long 2 over hr nap a day. You generally sleep quite well at night although there are times when you still want to cuddle mummy's arm to sleep. You're funny, you just need to hold my fingers and you'll be contented. You've also learnt to recognise actions and characters in books, so reading is so fun nowadays because you'll know what's coming up and start the actions or say what it is. You also have your favourites that you'd want us to read over and over again.
There are still times when you're quite reserved when you're out. When placed you at home or at Popo's place, you'll be filling us with your cheeky things and make us laugh. Giggles and laughters from you are also not uncommon. I used to lug you out a lot when you were younger, but now staying around home with you is so fun and I have to sometimes kick my laziness away and do more fun activities with you like drawing and painting, which we haven't done for a while. Usually you're quite independent when you play and can engage in puzzles, cooking and moving items from one location to the other and back. You do these a lot.
I think Mummy and daddy must have passed you some good genes. Haha that's our love for food genes. You have great appetite and on most days your bowl of rice is as much as almost 1 full rice bowl. Not counting the big bowl of green veggies that we have to hide from you. I remembered eating a lot of spinach when I was pregnant with you and now you eat it as if it was snack. Very good, keep it up ok. Veggies are good for you. and on top of that you still drink a bowl of soup after that. You're putting on weight quite slowly so I am wondering if all the nutrients have gone to your hair. But on the other hand, at 10.8kg, my arms are aching already, I can't imagine you any bigger. Now mummy just looks like I do weights training because the thickness of my arms and the Biceps are getting a little too obvious.
You're growing up so fast, and there's almost too little time to spend with you. I can sit back at the end of the day reminiscing on a lot, but most times I am flat out and doze off too quickly. But if I could, I would want to capture more of you, this journey and our family in my reflections and deep thanksgiving. God is just so good.
Happy 17 months! You're turning 1/1/2 in a month's time. Look in the mirror and may you always find joy and the reflection of Jesus!
Love, Mummy
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