Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I miss my little baby

Janice started Childcare on Monday, twice a week. She didn't adapt too well in the morning, but by afternoon, she was much better. I wonder how she is today. Man, finally I've got some time to myself and suddenly I just don't know what to do with myself. I've cleaned up and cooked 3 days worth of food on Monday, so today is a bit more relaxing. But it's so strange because no matter how much I occupy myself, I am still a bit absent minded kind of, because I keep thinking how she is coping there. I'll be going back to work in a week's time and she is currently the only baby in her age group because the rest hasn't come in yet. It's a brand new child care centre. So at the moment, there are two teachers to attend to her, which means she's really getting the attention. Alicia is in the same centre too, and this sweetie pie came by to Janice's room and gave her big sisterly hugs and kisses. Oh, how I miss Janice, Geraldine and I seems to be the only 2 moms, dropping by the centre 2 times through the day, peeping through the window to make sure they're ok.

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