Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen
My little precious,
You'll be turning 4 months soon, but there's no 30th day of the month this week, thus I have the liberty to blog anytime this week :) In actual fact, you're already about 18 weeks. I have lost count of the weeks because with you around, it's hard to keep track because there're always so much things on my mind.
Time is passing so quickly. Oh you're up, I think I'll need to continue this entry some other time.
Ok, I have been trying to put you to nap so that I could sit and finish this entry. Now you're resting in your car capsule and I hope you'll have a good nap.
You're one vibrant little girl, very alert and very awake. You only nap for 30-40 mins each time and takes 2-3 naps a day, very little for a little girl like you. But Thank God that you sleep well most nights and will knock out by 7.30pm nowadays. You're adaptable and can go to sleep anywhere as long as we put you into your car-capsule cum pram which is really great because we could still be out for Life groups, prayer, shopping and dinner out. You sleep through with 2 feeds on a good night, waking up at 8.30am.
We saw your developing your verbal skills and most times when you're awake, you'll be trying to say something to us. You're also testing the limits of your vocal chord by screaming and yelping along with your smiles that you're so generous to give. You even managed a couple of decent conversations with Popo over the phone. The PD says you're gaining weight well, and is a strong girl which explains mummy's aches and pains by the end of each day.
You love being out and about, and many times you seem to be wanting to take in every single sight and sound. Yesterday you even amused Auntie Christine with your chuckles in the middle of our conversation as if you were part of it. Well, of course you are, you're almost part of every single moment of my life now. From cooking, cleaning to cafe catch ups with all your loving aunties etc. You're always by my side. You're also like a pouchy little joey in the Baby Bjorn carrier daddy (and sometimes me) brings you in. You love it! Watching, kicking, "walking", swinging and dancing in it. You will eventually fall asleep in it too.
Your favourite activities include kicking and batting the rubber ball, walks in your pram, bashing up your activity table and just kicking around on the play mat. You've also started watching "baby can read" DVD once or twice a day and you're especially amused "Twinke Little Stars" comes on. However you enjoy most when we cuddle you and smother kisses all over you, you just love it. I can tell because your eyes light up and you smile and chuckle to them.
One of the best moments daddy and I have is lying on our bed watch you sleep in your little bassinet. We can never get enough of the little smiles you steal when you dream sweet dreams, your squirms and stretches as you sleep, and just watching you breathe. You're beautiful and I wish I could engrave all these moments in and never ever forget them.
Little precious one, having you have made us grown. As much as God is developing in through the months, He is building our character up, more than ever before. Every day is a step of faith that I take, to juggle in being the mom and slowly growing in the ministry God has entrusted to daddy and I. I hope that with this, you'll really be able to grow to love God and His people, and that as a family, we can serve God more.
Thank you darling, you've light up my (our) lives. From dreading out of bed in the earlier months because of sleep depravity, I look forward to a brand new day with you. I look forward (haha on most days) to awakening to your coos and gurgles. Thank you for forgiving me when I left you to cry when I am ultra tired and not knowing what to do with you. Motherhood has been tough on days I battle with tiredness and neverending chores, and sometimes the feeling of lack of personal space. But your daddy has been real supportive and gracious to me, and you have been a real reward.
Love you darling, my little cheeky one.
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