Both of us came back from Singapore with flu, but Thank God we were ok by mid last week. We've both settled back to our routines with work, shepherdings, meetings and trainings all lined up. Verdict: It's intense and somewhat your body is in a stress mode. I think my body is not as what it was like pre-pregnancy, or rather the lack of pre-pregnancy exercise saw it failing to the max. Not only was I like a merlion again on Sunday basically not keeping down a single meal, I couldn't even get up yesterday due to pain from my bottom all the way to the back of my leg and the doctor diagnosed sciatica nerve pain which thank God has subsided a great deal after much prayers from the life group and rest. Thank you all for your concern!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
From the Baby Center
Fetal development - 12 weeks pregnant
Your baby's face is beginning to look more human, even though she is only about 5.5cms long from her crown to her rump and weighs 14 grams. The eyes, which started out on the sides of the head, have moved closer together. The ears are almost in their normal position on the side of the head. The liver is making bile and the kidneys are secreting urine in the bladder. The fetus squirms if your abdomen is prodded, although you cannot yet feel movement. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and synapses (neurological connections in your brain) are forming. The fetus has acquired more reflexes: touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench.
Your midwife can now feel the top of the uterus, also known as the fundus, low in the abdomen. As you enter the second trimester, you may find yourself donning looser, less restrictive clothing. Soon you won't be able to fit into your regular clothes any more. You may now find that once the "sickness" feeling has passed, your appetite returns.
Your baby's face is beginning to look more human, even though she is only about 5.5cms long from her crown to her rump and weighs 14 grams. The eyes, which started out on the sides of the head, have moved closer together. The ears are almost in their normal position on the side of the head. The liver is making bile and the kidneys are secreting urine in the bladder. The fetus squirms if your abdomen is prodded, although you cannot yet feel movement. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and synapses (neurological connections in your brain) are forming. The fetus has acquired more reflexes: touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench.
Your midwife can now feel the top of the uterus, also known as the fundus, low in the abdomen. As you enter the second trimester, you may find yourself donning looser, less restrictive clothing. Soon you won't be able to fit into your regular clothes any more. You may now find that once the "sickness" feeling has passed, your appetite returns.
• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently -- even in utero. These fetal development pages are designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Lead me On!
Although finding out that I am pregnant and the waiting upon upcoming arrive of little Mok has brought about so much joy and excitement, I would say there has been trying times through this season too. Haha actually I asked for it :) Earlier in the pregnancy, as I poured through books about pregnancy, I read about how morning sickness sort of shows signs of healthy pregnancy and that it shows that you are producing good hormones that prevents miscarriages (many pregnancies go through successfully even without morning sickness). I was feeling perfectly ok apart from fatigue in the earlier weeks of pregnancy and I started to let anxiety overwhelm me. Filled with many "what ifs", I started secretly praying and even mentioned to my dear hub that I wished I could experience some form of morning sickness so that I feel more assured of the pregnancy. Such things shouldn't be asked because one week after that, nausea started followed by a near daily 'merlion' syndrome till now. Its been trying with a near perpetual hunger combined with nausea, there were times I wished to be hibernating and that God will somehow sustain me and fill my hunger! For all who know me well enough, I love food and not being able to gobble in when hunger strikes just isn't that pleasant :)
Actually ranting on the situation wasn't my purpose of this entry. I know it will end and God will grant me the strength and all that I need. Perseverance is what He is still doing in me and I trust that He will bring it deeper each day. As I look back, besides asking for His strength, I was crying out more for Him to speak to me. In fact, I know that times like this where my strength cannot be depended is the best time to be seek Him and waiting upon Him.
Initially I thought things have been futile, in my desperate seeking, I wonder why I haven't heard a single word. Not that I was expecting Him to speak in any specific area, but somehow I know He is going to speak. I think I finally experienced some breakthrough these few days especially today. And no, it did not come as a whirlwind nor in clear distinct voice. It came with just gentle tuggings to pray for various issues. But what excites me is God speaking to me in areas of vision and purpose. Somehow I doubted on how and what could progress in this area when the thought of lugging the entire family of perhaps more future kiddos to missions seems distant and vague. But somehow I clearly felt the tugging "He will make a way". I prayed through in areas of passion for people groups till i fell asleep in contentment (till the phone rang!) stirred with excitement, a big difference from my usual discomforts of inability to find a good sleeping position (I can't believe that I am starting the aches on my hips and back so early!)
Well, all I can say is that Lead me on, God. I look forward to hear your voice more!
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen
I miss her already! She's grown to be more chirpy and has got funny comments!
Family Shot

Family Shot
Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen
This was a shot taken with our family (Kelvin side) during Sharon's wedding. Its a pity my family isn't those photo taking kind and we forgot to take photos this trip back! I didnt even get to meet my 2nd bro who was overseas on a work trip. Click on photo to view the rest of the photos taken.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A random update!
It has been a long gap since I(we) last updated our site. I just found out that quite a number of friends back in Singapore actually do read our blog! So I shall make it a point more to update as often as I can, although frankly speaking, I enjoy reading (Haha stalking) others' blogs more than writing. Perhaps the flare of writing really isn't part of me :)
This entry is probably a good time for me to really learn to take stock of my life more and pen down what has been happening.
Fruitful past two months it has been. I mean literally! Besides busy with the Student Orientation and Oceania Convention, we found out that I was pregnant somewhere mid February! Its a brand new experience for me to cope with ministry and work, at the same time struggling with nauseas and throwing up! I have never felt helplessly tired before. Roller Coaster it has been as well with hiccups here and there with Doctor checks and ultra sound, but all in all, Thank God that He is faithful to have seen us through thus far. It's yet another learning curve to practically trust God daily and learning to rest in Him no matter what situations or uncertainties are placed before us. I think i was really tested in my area of security again especially when many things I used to be able to do just seem to crumble and things start falling through the gaps when my flesh is just so weak. Even at this point in time, I am still adjusting to the physiological changes and preparing myself emotionally and spiritually at the same time. But Thank God for Kel who has been patient and loving to put up with my nonsense. I think many a times guys really rise up through responsibilities and I think in this, i will agree seeing how Kel has grown over the year as more responsibilities not just in the household but in ministry and work too. Looking at the amount of responsibilities and the expectations that is upon him as the guy added on (more to come as a dad) to him, I may have shrivelled! Ok maybe a little exaggerated here, but you know what I mean.
We just had a ball of our time with a 9 days trip in Singapore. The main purpose was to attend Hon Kit and Sharon's (Kel's cousin) wedding. But we had such a great time with our family and friends too. I am still recovering from the 'aftermath' of Singapore trips, when I'll miss home and my mom so much! Such an irony that i am actually going to be a mom myself. I felt so inadequate this morning as I thought through the amount of love and sacrifice my own mom has made for me and the family and I fear of my capabilities to love and embrace. So much to trust God in through this phase to be reminded He is the source of love and being filled by His love enables me to overflow with it too!
Now this sounds more like some baby entry and random thoughts. But do pray for us and baby too. For safety, for growth, for us in preparation and also that we can continue to serve Him to our maximum!
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