It's a technology craze era. I don't even know if i can call it technology. It was first friendster, then Blogging. Both of which i was coerce into :) haha not that it wasn't good, blogging especially has benefitted. But now facebook! i could feel my own eyes roll and felt the defeat. I don't think i can cope with something new anymore. Already i feel that a dormant part of my brain has been jerked alive to put online project management in place, working through using softwares instead of the good ole Email. I managed to convince myself it was fun but haha when i first started out, the only thing that appealed to me was changing colors and background of the interface. Through weeks of ploughing, i am starting to enjoy it and see it's potential. Well i motivated myself that the church too has to grow in effectiveness and nothing, not even my square brain should come as a hindrance! Besides, its a wonderful opportunity to 'connect' with the current generation. I should not be backdated right. But it fears me to think what means i would be communicating with my kids in future. Online forums? or further advancements, and that would that have pass. I wouldn't be surprised. I starred at my barely used bound up journal like diaries and appealing white paged notebooks. I felt kinda missing that joy of simply scribbling and jotting, coupling with some drawings and doodling.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
"Go" Prepare
In the midst of QT and preparation for the Advance this weekend, i found myself strucked by such a simple statement:
"You were looking for some big thing to give up, while God is telling you of some tiny thing that must go. But behind that tiny thing lies the stronghold of obstinacy, and you say, "I will not give up my right to myself"— the very thing that God intends you to give up if you are to be a disciple of Jesus Christ."
How many times have I asked God to reveal His ways to me, micro steps in ministry decisions and macro steps in life related to calling and directions. These past few weeks were likewise. But i gathered of my times of obstinacy, how slight and insignificant it could be, once laid down made pursuing of His will much more desirable and joyous. I reckon, that one top robber of joy and fulfilment in pursuing after His calling is our accumulation many slight "obstinacy". Attitudes, perspectives, emotional baggages, habits etc. Beware before it piles up.
For those who will be coming for the JG advance this weekend, "GO" prepare yourselves well, allow the Holy Spirit to search through your hearts, "GO" with expectations and see yourself stepping out, as an individual and as a Church. "GO" determined in your heart, that nothing of your mindsets and situations can stop Him from working in you and You responding to Him.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
He misses her ...
I was browsing through my pictures to look for something when i saw this pic. This uncle certainly dotes on his fave niece, and misses her very much. Very often, he will be contemplating to go back Singapore just to see Sophie and wished to be back to capture her first steps, utter her first words and sometimes, just want to catch a sight of her cheeky grin. You see her photos here and you won't be able to resist her many expressions. Sophie's turning 1 in 5 days time. Happy Birthday little one :) May you grow to love God just like your daddy and mommy. We love you heaps!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I am not referring to the weather here. More of referring to blogging. Its been a drought and i have nothing to pen down, nothing much to express. Wonder if it was a good indication of my life too, and i certainly hope not. Whatever case it is, I long for more of Him, and believe that He will emerge from within the cracks of my life as I choose to persevere in Him!
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