Congratulations to Lilin and John who tied the knot last Thursday. You look beautiful! Heard snippets of the wedding from the girls and i am so happy for u! I miss all the girls back home :) Though as what Vic said, our relationships for the past 10 years has been spent with 70% long distant, I can't thank God enough for giving me such great buddies. Many of you whom i got much closer over the years i am in Australia, and though with some, we really hardly keep in touch except for meeting up once a year when i am back, you are all so close to my heart. Wish i could celebrate such happy moments with all of you. Thank you for always sending pictures and with Lucia's many visits here, i can more dramatic and detailed illustrations. Lilin my best wishes to you and John. May your union bring much joy to you and to all around you too!
*Missing in the pic: Xiaode & Lilin
We had a Masquerade Party [silly me, no photos taken] last friday instead of the usual life group! It was fun, though the mask feels funny on the face. But it was such a good time making new friends, interacting, funny games. The whole place was packed with laughter and good food too. Home made pumpkin soup, lamb shanks, spagetti, home made brownies, heart shape cakes (Wow! Patrick!). Am blessed to the brim. Thank you Claire and team! Great job. To the new friends made that night, thank you for coming, hope to get to know all of you more in time to come. To all who has gone all out to invite new friends, you've done a great job, Impact more lives as the spirit of God overflows through you!
Lillian's baby shower was fun, quick and funny. So much laughter, i love the games! So girly and we had a baby education session too, finding out great products for the very fortunate new generation of babies. [Best find: Rubber Ducky that indicates the safty of the temperature of water in the bath tub for babies! cool]. We were surprised to know the size of a preggie's stomach too :) We are really looking forward to the arrival of this little one, which marks too the arrival of the 2nd Generation in the Afternoon service!

Rest of the weekend was spent making burnt cupcakes (sadly), preparing CDS, cleaning the house (more done by the husband - Lucky me) a trip to Ikea (nice breakie and lunch that cost $3 in total) with Jos, transformer! (great movie) ... best of all, witnessing too the spiritual birth of new sister in Christ!