My parents have taught me a lot. In fact more than I ever imagined them to have done. It was a typical chinese family, where dad doesn't speak too much but when he does it usually weighs a ton. They were not extreme like a tiger mom, but the no nonsense rule applies. And whatever you've set your foot out to do, you jolly well complete it with your utmost ability.
Ever since I was sick, mom and dad have been hanging around me. The amount of time we've spent under one roof must have been more than we ever did in the past 20 years. They were both committed in their own ways, mom was committed (full on) to feed me the best nutrition ever, and dad, a side that I've not really experienced, was committed to be around. To drive mom around, wherever she needed and to drive us (my daughter inclusive) around, and to just sit around, being there physically. Their presence have been a source of comfort to me, and it seems almost neutral, because for them to be part of my life in such a way brings them some sort of reassurance too.
There's never been qualms of how they are my role models when it comes to many aspects of life. But what I never expected was how today, they have modeled to me the commitment towards God and His ways. It was a big step for them to put their faith in God after all these years, and today I was told, that the idols are removed. Just like that. "There's no half heartedness here, we don't want to be neither here nor there", dad says.
I slept through the whole afternoon when are these were happening, I woke up, half awake to this piece of news.
God deserves all the glory, because of His faithfulness, because He never let go of us, He has allowed all these. I am awed. I am proud of my parents too.