We were offered free tickets to the sneak preview of “Aftershock” (thus I had to write a review) because it was mentioned as a film that portrayed strong family values. The impact of the film went beyond expectations. 2nd day after the show, the scenes are still replayed and emotions still lingers.
The movie, a tear-jerker about a family torn apart by the 1976 Tangshan earthquake and reunited years later in the aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. A story of choices, regrets and trauma, the story gripped the audience with the reality of natural disasters and touched the hearts with anguish, love and sacrifices.
Yuan Ni lost her husband and lover when he dashed into the building to save their twins. In the chaotic scene, the twins were found under the same debris and Yuan Ni was left with a choice to save only one. Her words to save the younger brother crushed both her heart and her daughter, Deng’s for the next 32 years.
Unknown to Yuan Ni, Deng survived the ordeal and was later adopted. Though separated, both mother and daughter were plagued not by the horrors of the disaster but by lost, regrets and unforgiveness. 32 years down, 2008
“Aftershock” is a powerful movie that captured scenes that can strike deep in the viewers’ hearts. Family and love were reflected not through the usual sacrifices for one another but amplified itself through the crevices of hearts that were shattered - A mother’s love that would carry the burdens of her children, dead or alive; the fragility of lives at the mercy of disasters; the loyalty between husbands and wives despite the harshest conditions; the power of letting go and forgiveness. Not many words were used but the director painted each scene that speaks a thousand words.
Though the disaster scenes may not be the most realistic, the tightness of the storyline did not leave much space to dwell on that. The movie was not exaggerated into a soapy drama, but there were countless scenes that tears and sniffles were not spared. It was a heartfelt movie, powerful and emotional. The stories of love, family and relationships, you will grieve with them, and be encouraged and uplifted with them too.
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