Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010
What I took back from today's Staff Devotion
Today at staff devotion, we had a guest speaker come and share with us as our Division leaders went away for a retreat. Just wanted to note it down so that I won't forget. He was sharing about his difficulties in ministry with the youths and how it is so challenging, not so much the youths but many times, their parents can really be a pain as well.
Amongst his sharing, he mentioned how a parent got upset with him cause he had to tell their child to step down from ministry cause his relationship with God wasn't going well and it was starting to reflect outwardly in his ministry. And he went to still apologize to the parent. He told us "I apologized not because I did something wrong to her son, but I apologized because I hurt them."
When I heard that, it really touched my heart to know that we don't apologize because of the action that we did, but instead for the reaction that was caused by the initial action (which might not be wrong in the first place). This was something that I want to hold onto in every area of my life; my relationship with God, my family, my friends and my ministry.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Took a long break from blogging, took up Facebooking instead
Been missing in action because I realized that FaceBook is much easier to use since there is the Iphone which makes uploading of photos a breeze. But I guess unless you are added as friends on Facebook, otherwise viewing of content would not be possible. So I thought I better try to blog once in a while, so here goes.
I had the privilege yesterday to spend the entire day with Janice. Woke up with her, had meals with her, had a really long nap (2hrs) with her and bathe her as well. it was such a memorable day for me. On the normal days I love to play with Janice and all, but looking into the details of her life like naps and meals and bathing really isn't my forte. Only my close to perfect wife would be able to remember every single detail that needs to be done for Janice. But now, since both of us are working and my day off is on wednesday, I was able to have this opportunity to look after Janice by myself.
To have this time with Janice would be the start of our 'dates with daddy' times. I must really make it a point to do this regularly even when she grows up. I realized that a father's role in a child's life is so important. Not belittling the roles that mums play (which is very important as well), the dads would sometimes help be a good role model of the sort of man that our daughters would be looking for in future. Helping my daughter see that she deserves a man that truly loves her for who she is. And more importantly that Janice would come to me and tell me about the guys that would be asking her out and stuff. I want to be her listening ear and support whenever she needs me.
These are my ideals, I know that ministry sometimes would make all that sound impossible. But today it has been made known to me that in full time ministry, we are juggling my balls, but there are some balls that we must never drop and that is God and our Family. Ps Benny Ho mentioned about spending 1 hr a day, 2 to 3 hrs a week, 1 day a month and 2 to 3 days a quarter to spend with God. Time allocated with family is also very crucial, my family must know that they are more important to me than the ministries I am in. This is something that I am constantly learning and adjusting so that there would be a balance; but boy is that balance hard to find. I don't know if I will ever find that balance, but I know for sure that I will keep trying.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Janice is 15 months

My dear girl,
You’ve turned 15 months 3 days ago and it has just been at the back of my mind to blog about it. So here I am!
You’re walking! Over the past few weeks, you’ve finally calculated and figured that the risk of falling over is now low. You see, you’ve been taking about 5-10 steps for a long time and have been wanting us to hold your hands to walk. I’m so proud of you that you’ve finally taken you little steps further but let me continue to enjoy this moment of you still wanting to be held on and protected. I know very soon, you’d want to be on your own, knowing this feisty independent personality you have.
You’ve been a lot happier this month. Maybe it’s because you’re finally walking and this mobility has given you new found freedom when we’re out and about. There have also been more routines in place for you and you’re one who really thrives on that. Above all, your communication skills have also taken a notch higher with some words repetitions and your famous pointing cum nodding skills.
Many people have been calling you a “little adult”. Because, despite not being able to speak (like an adult), you sometimes communicate like one. We have also been amazed at how you have been piecing things together and even learnt how to place jig saws in the right positions. Like the other day, we were spending some time in a friend’s office and you took a set of keys from her cupboard and walked to the door and tried to open it, though of course you didn’t succeed with cupboard keys. You did that again at home by taking drawer keys all the way to the main door. In your little mind you’ve probably figured out a lot of things and now, the ability to walk about has given you the freedom to explore.
I have recently gone back to work and for the time being you’ll be left in the care of Popo (my mom). I was initially very worried at how you’d take it. I was about to let anxiety take over before I started writing like a little manual that consist of your schedules and suggested activities. But you’ve been such a good girl! Every day I could see how you beamed at the mention of Popo’s house and I am so so glad to see you happy and all well at the end of the day. So far, we’ve been adjusting well, and this new change has really taught Daddy and I the value of spending time together with you and being able to give you our all when we do spend that time with you.
You've got a real feisty personality. When you've tantrumish, it's really quite "hard-core" (haha pardon the singlish expression). I still sometimes sound like a fool trying out techniques I've learnt from the bo0k "The happiest toddler on the block". But thank God that I've stumbled upon that book because some of the tips are really practical and has helped us a lot. We pray however that we will be able to harnass you strong personality well and you may be able to use it as a strength in your days ahead, especially in walking with God and serving Him.
There’ll be times where I am learning not to take guilt trips of not being able to give you the best. Am I teaching you right, am I being a good mother, what's crucial and what's important? But to be able to be by your side, loving you, teaching you and understanding you are what I am learning to do, to my best ability and relying on His grace. We’ll take it each step at a time with the help and strength of God.
I miss you, baby. You’ve bless me everyday with your sweetie smiles, cheeky demeanor and your funny sense of humor. I love you.
Love, Mummy.
There’ll be times where I am learning not to take guilt trips of not being able to give you the best. Am I teaching you right, am I being a good mother, what's crucial and what's important? But to be able to be by your side, loving you, teaching you and understanding you are what I am learning to do, to my best ability and relying on His grace. We’ll take it each step at a time with the help and strength of God.
I miss you, baby. You’ve bless me everyday with your sweetie smiles, cheeky demeanor and your funny sense of humor. I love you.
Love, Mummy.
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