As mentioned of previous entry, I am trying to grow in this area of child likeness in God. Coming to God without complexity and profoundness. Just simply faith like a child coming to a father. Things hasn't been that great, cause my God wants to offer greater things in His plans for me. Janice fell sick and I really believed in God's power of healing and she is getting better in Jesus' name!
I have been really challenged to really have that simple faith to believe when God speaks. The times when I usually have to battle about is this thought from God or myself. Then very quickly, does this thought go against the principles of the bible, if not, I'll try to put it into action. When I spend too much time debating, doubt will creep in. And prayers lately have been so charged up with faith that when I ask God for something, the space for doubt within is not entertained as much as I used to. Not fully there yet, but will get there soon.
The simply illustration that I keep reminding myself is about a little girl who asked her father for a doll-house and her dad promised her that he'll build one for her. So in the simplicity and expectant heart she goes off to prepare the things required to fill the doll house. She packed her dolls, little print stickers to decorate her future doll house and the little accessories for the doll house. So after seeing the faith of his daughter, her dad quickly sprung into action to build that doll house he promised her.
How many times have I prayed for something and just 'waited' without faith; too many times have I not acted with faith, faith without actions is DEAD! Now I tell myself, if we pray for 8 converts, go and buy 8 bibles in faith to know that you'll need to give it away soon. When we pray for lame, prepare space to take home a wheelchair cause the person is heal and not needing the wheelchair anymore. When I pray, I must have actions to back up the prayer with faith.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:14-15
So as the following week approaches, I'll be learning and practising more of my obedience towards God. As I have already started, I must be quicker to obey the call and commands of God. For obedience is better than sacrifice, I'll obey for there is no other way!