Tuesday, June 24, 2008

From the Baby Center

Fetal development - 22 weeks pregnant
Written for BabyCenter Australia Approved by the BabyCenter Australia Medical Advisory

The baby now weighs about 430 grams, measures nearly just over 27 centimetres long from crown to heel, and is proportioned like a newborn, albeit a thinner version since her baby fat hasn't yet developed. Although she's getting heavier every day, her skin still appears wrinkled because she needs to gain more weight. The lips are distinct and the eyes are formed, though the iris (the coloured part of the eye) still lacks pigment. The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily. Even this early, the first signs of teeth appear in the form of tooth buds beneath the gum line. Before you know it, your baby will be born, and soon after, her first teeth will come through. You've probably gained between 5.4 and 6.8 kilograms. Starting now, you'll begin to put on weight more steadily, averaging about 225 grams per week. You may crave certain foods and you may notice an increased (but not bloody) vaginal discharge. Both are a normal part of being pregnant.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!
Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen

I made up the Birthday Celebration by bringing Kel to Redcliff and Scarborough area for lunch. It was his first time there and he loves it! The seafood teppanyaki was yummylicious and there was a seafood stall there that stocks heaps of nice seafood, only that because I couldn't eat and gobble all the raw stuff, we gave it a miss, promising each other that we'll be back :) that place was only about 30-40 mins drive away from where we live and there are so many nice quiet beaches, parks and picnic areas there. Open spaces, nice view and clear (cold) waters. We were so excited just talking how nice it would be if Ailing, James and Sophie were around and how we would really enjoy the company and how they would enjoy the relaxing atmosphere and open spaces. We enjoyed just watching little girls running to their daddies and how we're so looking forward to see our little one and promised to make it a point to bring our kid out to the outdoors and sunshine and not merely get 'sucked' into the routines since we both love outdoors so much. We took a short walk along the beach and the jetty, had ice cream and talked and talked. It was such a nice 3-4 hours spent.

A side note here ... Kel managaged to feel the little bub for his first time last night! He was soooo happy and wanted the little one to do more stints but she only decided to give daddy a little preview of herself :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

In the State of Readiness

We spoke a lot about having a new wine skin last weekend. God must be at our case here because after the UL getaway, we trooped back to service to find the preacher speaking about the same thing.
So I'm now looking forward to a season of stretching and enlarging AND learning to hear from Him to speak and guide us. We ain't sure what that encompasses, though we know if God speaks, it will be something that will be worthwhile. One thing I know God clearly spoke was to learn to be in a constant state of readiness. It was like a pinch upon my heart because I know how many times I said I was willing to Him but in the midst of the day to day grindings, I lose track, lose focus and lose motivation.
The state of readiness requires just so much drive from within and I must say this week has been a "slump". Fell sick from the start of the week and is now still recovering from a flu. Hormones, emotions were just flying haywire. I've got socks to pull. I learn too, to hang on to the simple recipe of readiness first, to Trust Him and may the daily matters be fully entrusted to Him as well.

Happy Birthday Dearie!

It was Kel's Birthday yesterday and the sacrificial dad-to-be spent his Birthday (after a day @ work) at his first ever Pregnancy Physio Class helping his "whale-like" wifey! It was a 150 mins session right smacked at dinner time (6pm) and the starving wife prepared 4 slices of Nutella bread (Supposedly 2 slices each) to fill in before we actually can sit down for a proper meal. But the monster wife ate up the bread, and was still "moaning" (alongside with the hub of course) in hunger after the class. We headed to a nearby Italian cafe for what I would classify as a yummy dinner that was very reasonably priced (my full of clams vongole cost $14) and the home (chef) made balsamic vinegar olive oil that drizzled over most of my food that night was just divine! Not to mention the yum dried chilli olive oil too. It was our 2nd try at the restaurant (first time with the entertainment book voucher that offered a 1 for 1 main course) and we are still filled with the same reminiscing feel to it. We didn't manage any photos because we were too hungry, too tired and we forgot the camera anyway :)
Happy Birthday Dearie, sorry to have kept you up almost every night this week.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Take a peek at the lil one :)

20 weeks Bub
Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen

Sorry for the blur image. I'll try to get a better one up, or better to get the video clip up.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

20 Weeks

20 Weeks
Originally uploaded by kelvin and chia yen

Fetal development - 20 weeks pregnant
Written for BabyCenter Australia
Approved by the BabyCenter Australia Medical Advisory Board

Your baby measures about 6.5 inches/ 16.5 centimetres from crown to rump and is steadily gaining weight. A whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance called vernix caseosa begins to cover your baby and protects the skin during its long immersion in amniotic fluid. It also eases delivery. The baby's swallowing more this week, good practice for the digestive system. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, his body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel.

Ok. Here's me, trying to hold on to the heavy tummy. I was a real monster over the weekend, feeling hungry perpetually, so I think I literally ate up everything in sight. We were blessed with a really good seafood buffet dinner at the Versace Hotel and that dinner came in at the right time to feed the hungry monster. And oh! We went for a detailed Morphology Scan on Friday. Bub's growth is great, and we were amazed at how detailed things could get, from specific measurements of everything body parts (internal and external) you can think of, we could even see the blood circulation. There were 3D pictures of the face plus we got to take home a DVD of the whole entire session. As many would guess from both Kel and my active (for me, was the past!) nature, the little one was wriggling, somersaulting, waving, flipping for the whole entire time. It sure frustrated the sonographer who was trying so hard to get detailed measurements of everything. I had to flip from left to right to get the bub to move to right positions, and even had to walk up and down the stairs to get bub to the right places too. I laid on the bed for scan till i got nauseas and giddy, breaking out with cold sweat. End of the session, I was dead beat and fell asleep on the bed as I was waiting for the report to be printed out! But verdict: It was all worthwhile, we were thrilled to see our dancing little one (oh God please let her get the dad's sense of rhythm) and she revealed her gender to us too. (though there could be still a small teeny weeny chance that the scan be inaccurate). So yes, we've got a little bubby princess in the making :)

On another note, I am so thankful that the morning (all day) sickness has subsided. Though backaches and other strains come alongside with the growth of the bump, at least most other things can almost go back to normal. Ministry is a lot easier when you are not wanting to throw up in front of people. It is not as emotional draining to try to focus on different things and I cook most of the meals now. One new adjustment I had to make! I keep forgetting of the weight I am carrying and often get carried away jumping up and down during praise and worship and on Sunday, I almost felt like the bump was going to drop!

Other than that, Thank God, things have been great. He has really been looking after us and Kel has been a real sweet one too!