One year ago, I remembered carrying you, feeding you and kissing you for the first time. I couldn't believe I became a mom. I was apprehensive that I could never live up to the name of a mom and I can't believe now that it's been a year, we've actually walked through a year together, as a family! We're still here, alive and kicking.
You're a strong little character and recently we've seen you really demonstrating your own personality. You're fiercely independent, no one can help you when you're determined to do what you want to do. You want to feed yourself and do things your own way. You nod your head when you agree with you or when we understood what you wanted and shake your head vigorously when we're trying to counter what you want to do. Therefore meal times have been pretty challenging. Though I must say you're getting pretty good feeding yourself and you can pretty much get most food into your mouth using a spoon or a fork, but just the way you crank up when we're trying to help you with something sometimes send spoons, plates, bowls and of course food flying across room is pretty trying. Especially when you throw tantrum and end up screaming too.
You're a joy to play with. You're generous with your kisses and cuddles and understands our instructions. You pick the right books when asked and points enthusiastically when we ask about things you understand. You're really into imitating us and is quite observant too. You love little children too, watching and playing with children older than you keeps you occupied.
I don't think you're one who's afraid of new things because new rides, new items and even some new environments intrigues you. Something we really thank God for because one thing we've asked God for was that you'd be one who's adaptable.
We'll be moving back to Singapore as a family end of this month and daddy and I are really excited to see what God has in store for us. We're also very excited to see how we can serve Him more as a family and as you grow up, we pray that your open heart and genuine smiles will minister to many, including little kids too. You'll also be closer to your extended family and we're sure you're going to enjoy the closeness you can have with your grandparents and cousins too.
I can end up with many pages just writing about you, because you surprise us everyday. But I'll try to keep some to be used as stories to tell you as you grow up. This year as been an adventure for all of us, well done little girl, you've adapted to the world well, shining with your unique personality. May you continue to be in the world but not of the world and shine your light as a strong individual that can bless the people around you. God's made you that way. You've been a great gift from God and God has blessed us tremendously in every way. Just want to let you know that.
I love you, and I am looking forward to the many years ahead.
Love Mummy
p.s. Thank you Popo and all the uncles, aunties, che ches and gor gors who came to celebrate Janice's birthday. She's extremely blessed.